To Cancel Your Membership

  • Cancel your membership here

  • Support Info

    For Help with your Membership:

    You membership is billed discreetly via one of the following billers. For billing support and cancellation requests, please visit the merchant who your membership was processed through:

    For subscriptions via CCBill

    This is for the majority of all subscribers!
    Retrieve lost password or cancel recurring subscription: CCBill Support.

    Email for support. Please include your full name, username, and as much info about your setup as possible so we can help troubleshoot your issue.

    Login Issues

    There are three reasons why your username and password are likely not working:

    1. Your membership lapsed because your credit failed to rebill.
    2. You put in your username/password wrong too many times and you are getting blocked.
    3. The password was shared (knowingly or unknowingly) and a bazillion people are logging in with it and it got suspended.

    If you don't know, contact me at